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KM 83 +150 metros. Vereda Payacal Alto, Sector Valle Escondido. La Mesa, Cundinamarca - Colombia

WhatsApp: +57 350 514 1720 I Email: comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com I RNT 55799

+57 350 514 1720

Km 83 +150m, Vereda Payacal Alto, La Mesa, Cundinamarca

Copyright Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro @2024 - Designed by 360Webmasters.com


To guarantee an unforgettable experience with your pet at El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro, we invite you to consult and respect the following rules:
● Pets are allowed, as long as they are domestic animals (dogs or cats). Under no circumstances will the entry of animals such as reptiles, arachnids, birds, among other species prohibited by law, be allowed.
● According to Law 746 of 2002, large, medium or highly dangerous breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux, Fila Brasilero, Neapolitan Mastiff, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, De Presa Canary, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Japanese Tosa, must wear a muzzle at all times. Likewise, the owners, possessors or holders of these dogs must carry the document that proves their registration with the competent Municipal Administration.

● All pets should ALWAYS be under the supervision of a responsible adult.

● Pets are not allowed to climb on the beds in the rooms, or to use cushions or blankets.

● We recommend and ask you to bring your pet's bed.

● El Faro Ecotourism Ranch reserves the right to admit any of these pets, if it is considered appropriate for the safety of its visitors.

● In the rooms you will find enough space to put your pet's bed.

● Please note that, for pets to enter, they must comply with vaccination, health and safety regulations. In case of an eventuality, you must have your vaccination card at hand.

● In the general facilities of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro and other common areas you must always keep your pet on a leash, with a collar that identifies the pet and a leash in perfect condition.

● You should not move with your pet in areas of the establishment that are not permitted: restaurant, wet areas (jacuzzi, Turkish), spa, rooftop, gym and lounges. (except in cases where the pet is a guide or guide) If the pet is a guide or guide, it can accompany its owner throughout their entire tour at the hotel.

● If you bring your pet, you will be responsible for any damage caused to third parties and/or to the facilities and staff of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro.

● It is prohibited to use the crockery and glassware intended for our guests to feed your pet. The Owner must carry the necessary utensils for this purpose.

● It is prohibited to bathe your pet in the showers of the rooms or wet areas of our facilities, nor in the common areas, and do not use the towels, sheets or other linens of our establishment to dry them, wrap them up or for any other use.

● To maintain a clean and pleasant space, prevent your pet from relieving itself in public areas of the hotel. Don't forget to pick up after your pet; If you require bags to collect waste, please inform the hotel staff.

● The owner or guardian of the pet is directly responsible for the naughty, careless or naughty behavior caused by the pet in a given situation.

● Children should not be alone with pets.

● If your pet disposes of liquid or solid waste on carpets, beds, mattresses, sofas, decorative chairs or other elements of the hotel, cleaning it will be the responsibility of the pet owner and if cleaning is not possible, the owner must make payment for the product.

● This regulation applies from the first moment you enter the hotel with your pet.

● Please avoid bringing dogs that habitually bark excessively or are aggressive toward people or other pets. The complaint of another guest will be taken with the utmost seriousness and it will be the management's decision to terminate the accommodation contract.

● In case of a guide dog, please notify us. In this case, some points of this regulation may not apply.


The value per pet for Pet Accommodation is $70,000 COP and applies to those reservations that are accommodation. In the case of day trips, pets are free to enter.


We have a Dog Daycare service for those guests or visitors who require it. This service has an additional value which can be coordinated with the reception of our hotel.