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KM 83 +150 metros. Vereda Payacal Alto, Sector Valle Escondido. La Mesa, Cundinamarca - Colombia

WhatsApp: +57 350 514 1720 I Email: comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com I RNT 55799

+57 350 514 1720

Km 83 +150m, Vereda Payacal Alto, La Mesa, Cundinamarca

Copyright Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro @2024 - Designed by 360Webmasters.com

Terms and Conditions


● In accordance with current regulations, we inform that all people staying at the hotel (adults and minors) must present their identification document at the time of check-in, which will be registered in the hotel's software.

● All minors must present their identification document at the time of Check In and must be accompanied by one of their parents or otherwise bring the authorization duly signed by their parents with a copy of their identification documents.

● Keep in mind that exploitation, pornography, and sexual tourism with children and adolescents is illegal, since it is penalized by Law 1336 of 2009, which strengthens Law 679 of 2001.

● Changes to a room other than the one selected during your reservation will be subject to the Hotel's availability.

● Photographs, videos or graphic content taken in our facilities during events and lodging may be used by RANCHO ECOTOURISTICO EL FARO with prior authorization from the owner.

● At El Faro Ecotourism Ranch we are committed to taking care of nature, for this reason smoking is not allowed inside our facilities.

● No user under 18 years of age can make virtual or conventional reservations via telephone or email.

● The request for extra spaces is subject to availability and/or anticipation, consult if in doubt.

● To avoid difficulties, please save a digital copy of your reservation to present upon arrival at the Hotel.

● Unregistered people are not allowed to enter the hotel rooms.

● Foreign passengers not resident in Colombia must present a passport and entry paper into the country at the time of check-in and are exempt from the 19% VAT tax.

● We offer comprehensive security in all our facilities, however, we are not responsible for loss of objects within our facilities.

● Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro may modify the terms and conditions presented here, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same way in which these general conditions appear.

● We do not collect personal information from people under 18 years of age, but through the adult who requests the reservation. This can only be done through an adult. As a parent or guardian, do not allow your children to submit personal information without your permission.




● It is prohibited to bring alcoholic beverages and hallucinogenic substances. In the exceptional case of bringing in alcoholic beverages, the guest must pay the corkage fee established by the hotel.

● Smoking is not allowed in the hotel facilities, the interior and exterior spaces are smoke-free.

● The facilities and activities are for the use, enjoyment and entertainment of our clients. Any damage to property, facilities or personnel will be sanctioned accordingly with the intervention of the competent authorities.

● The accommodation rate includes American breakfast (Juice, portion of fruit, eggs, hot drink, bread, butter and jam).

● Room Service has an added value of $15,000 to $25,000 depending on the location of the reserved room.

● Pets are allowed. See Pet Terms and Conditions found in this document.

● All foreigners must present a valid passport.

● The identification bracelet is for personal use and non-transferable, it can only be replaced due to visible damage by previously delivering the damaged bracelet.

● All minors must present civil birth registration and I.T.

● The use of a face mask is mandatory.

● We reserve the right to not allow the entry and/or admission of any person to our facilities.

● On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays El Faro Ecotourism Ranch will be closed for maintenance work. If Monday is a holiday, the closure will take place from Tuesday to Wednesday.

● The use of wet areas must be coordinated directly with the hotel, informing the day and time in which they will be used.

● For the use of humid areas, the use of a swimming cap is mandatory.




● Check in time: 15:00 - Check out time: 13:00

● On the day of arrival you can have your room from 3:00 p.m. and on the day of departure until 1:00 p.m. If your arrival at the hotel is expected after 6pm, you must inform the hotel in advance directly.

● Due to security policies, the hotel does not allow the entry of companions who are not hosted and registered at the time of Check In.

● Up to 1 child under 5 years old can stay free of charge in the same room as parents or guardians. Maximum one child FREE per room.

● Children under 5 years old must pay breakfast as an additional charge when sharing a room with their parents.

● We do not have crib or playpen service.

● The single additional bed has an additional value per night

● Late Check Out / Early Check in: They will be granted according to the occupancy of the day on which they are required with prior request. If not informed and authorized at the hotel reception, late check out until 6 p.m. on the same day there will be an additional charge of 50% of the rate, after that time it is considered an additional night which would have the value of 100% of the rate per contracted night


Rules of behavior inside the rooms

● Smoking is not allowed inside the rooms.

● Food and drinks are not allowed.

● Smoking inside the rooms or within our facilities can be very risky and may make other guests uncomfortable. Smoking in the rooms implies a fine of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS ($350,000 COP) for cleaning fees that will be charged to your account.


General information about Restaurant, Bar and Room Service

● Breakfast will be available from 8:00 AM until 10:00 AM

● Lunch will be available from 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM

● Dinner will be available from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM

● Guests can order dishes from the snack menu from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

● Room Service applies from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and has an additional value depending on the area where the room is located.





● In case of cancellations up to 8 days before the arrival date, the payment made will not be refunded. You may change the date up to a maximum of 3 months after the date of the first reservation and assuming additional values ​​in the event of a change in rates or conditions of the service initially contracted.

● If the client does not show up at the hotel, the payment made will not be refunded and the date cannot be changed.

● For cancellations greater than 8 days from the date of arrival at the hotel, the payment made will be refunded, discounting 10% for administrative and financial expenses. In these cases, you must send the following documents to the email comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com: Letter requesting reimbursement, copy of identification document and bank certification

● Changes and/or cancellations must be reported in writing to the email comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com or WhatsApp +57 350 514 1720 and the aforementioned conditions will apply.

● Postponed reservations will have an expiration of 90 calendar days from the date of postponement. After these 90 days have passed, no refunds will be made for credits or payments made.

● Departure from the hotel before the previously reserved date without having been notified in advance to the hotel reception, will have a penalty corresponding to 100% of the value of the night's accommodation plus taxes.

● Promotions with a non-refundable policy never generate money back to the guest.

● When making the reservation, the client is fully and exclusively responsible for the accuracy of all the data entered. If its invalidity is proven, it could cause the reservation to be cancelled.

● The cancellation policy always applies and without exceptions.


Penalties do not apply in cases of force majeure, fortuitous event or incapacity of the holder of the reservation or a relative in the first degree of consanguinity. The exemption request must be accompanied by the corresponding support and submitted within 15 calendar days from the initial date of the trip. The supports must be sent legibly to our email comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com informing the reservation data and attaching the required documentation.

The client and/or agency must send the following documents to process an exemption study:
By death:

● Death certificate.

● Civil birth registration of each passenger.

● Marriage certificate or document that certifies a de facto marital union.

For sickness:

● Medical support or Medical incapacity signed and sealed by the treating doctor.

● Photocopy of the citizenship card of the passengers to be exempted.

● Marriage certificate or document that certifies a de facto marital union.

Due to operational changes:

● Exemption only applies when the operational change occurs due to meteorological issues, in which case only hotel penalties for a future account crossing are exonerated. If the refund of the money is required, the exoneration is not applicable.

● Certification of Operational Changes due to meteorological conditions issued by the airline, indicating the name of the affected passengers. 



To guarantee an unforgettable experience with your pet at El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro, we invite you to consult and respect the following rules:

● Pets are allowed, as long as they are domestic animals (dogs or cats). Under no circumstances will the entry of animals such as reptiles, arachnids, birds, among other species prohibited by law, be allowed.

● According to Law 746 of 2002, large, medium or highly dangerous breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux, Fila Brasilero, Neapolitan Mastiff, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, De Presa Canary, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Japanese Tosa, must wear a muzzle at all times. Likewise, the owners, possessors or holders of these dogs must carry the document that proves their registration with the competent Municipal Administration.

● All pets should ALWAYS be under the supervision of a responsible adult.

● Pets are not allowed to climb on the beds in the rooms, or to use cushions or blankets.

● We recommend and ask you to bring your pet's bed.

● El Faro Ecotourism Ranch reserves the right to admit any of these pets, if it is considered appropriate for the safety of its visitors.

● In the rooms you will find enough space to put your pet's bed.

● Please note that, for pets to enter, they must comply with vaccination, health and safety regulations. In case of an eventuality, you must have your vaccination card at hand.

● In the general facilities of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro and other common areas you must always keep your pet on a leash, with a collar that identifies the pet and a leash in perfect condition.

● You should not move with your pet in areas of the establishment that are not permitted: restaurant, wet areas (jacuzzi, Turkish), spa, rooftop, gym and lounges. (except in cases where the pet is a guide or guide) If the pet is a guide or guide, it can accompany its owner throughout their entire tour at the hotel.

● If you bring your pet, you will be responsible for any damage caused to third parties and/or to the facilities and staff of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro.

● It is prohibited to use the crockery and glassware intended for our guests to feed your pet. The Owner must carry the necessary utensils for this purpose.

● It is prohibited to bathe your pet in the showers of the rooms or wet areas of our facilities, nor in the common areas, and do not use the towels, sheets or other linens of our establishment to dry them, wrap them up or for any other use.

● To maintain a clean and pleasant space, prevent your pet from relieving itself in public areas of the hotel. Don't forget to pick up after your pet; If you require bags to collect waste, please inform the hotel staff.

● The owner or guardian of the pet is directly responsible for the naughty, careless or naughty behavior caused by the pet in a given situation.

● Children should not be alone with pets.

● If your pet disposes of liquid or solid waste on carpets, beds, mattresses, sofas, decorative chairs or other elements of the hotel, cleaning it will be the responsibility of the pet owner and if cleaning is not possible, the owner must make payment for the product.

● This regulation applies from the first moment you enter the hotel with your pet.

● Please avoid bringing dogs that habitually bark excessively or are aggressive toward people or other pets. The complaint of another guest will be taken with the utmost seriousness and it will be the management's decision to terminate the accommodation contract.

● If you are a service, guide or guide dog, please notify us. Well, in this case, some points of this regulation may not apply.


Rules for Nature and Adventure Activities

● It is required to sign the liability waiver for entry (parents must sign the waiver for minors and each independent adult).

● On the Pines and Cedars Circuits, children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

● El Faro Ecotourism Ranch guarantees the presence of expert guides in each of the circuits, however, we DO NOT provide tutors, companions or caregivers.

● The Robles circuit will only be available for children over 13 years of age.

● You cannot enter under the influence of alcohol, or any substance that alters your behavior and/or alert situation.

● You must properly use safety equipment throughout the tour, as indicated by the guides.

● In the event that it is necessary to cancel any activity in the Adventure Forest due to adverse weather conditions, we will give you a voucher corresponding to the equivalent of the remaining activity to be carried out.

● For security reasons, the participation of:

Children under 6 years

People over 80 years old

People weighing more than 100kg

People with heart failure

People in a state of intoxication

Pregnant women

People with recent surgeries

● Loose personal items (e.g. suitcases, bags, hats, etc.) are not allowed on the attractions, for this reason we ask you to leave them with someone who is not part of the activity or in your vehicle.

● El Faro Ecotourism Ranch and its employees are not responsible for loss or theft of careless personal items.

● It is TOTALLY PROHIBITED to manipulate the safety elements assigned for the activity. If there is any problem with the equipment, you must inform the nearest guide.

● Anyone who does not comply with the guide's instructions will be removed from the activity without any refund.





● Payment for the stay and services is made in Colombian pesos.

● Payments may be made by the following means: cash, deposit, cashier's check, bank transfers, credit and debit cards. Our bank account details are: Banco Davivienda No. 009969993188 current account or Banco Bancolombia No. 67400001141 savings account in the name of Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro NIT 900.915.290-1

● Once the deposit or transfer has been made, you must send a copy of the transaction to the email: comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com or to WhatsApp +57 350 514 1720




The guest may present PQR through the following channels:

● At the hotel reception filling out this form.

● Sending us an email to the address: comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com

● Our cell phone lines +57 3505141720

● Any additional request can be made to the email comercial@ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com






Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro values ​​your privacy and we want you to have confidence when using this site to make your online reservations at our hotel. Furthermore, we are very aware of your concerns about the confidentiality of your information and have no desire or intention to infringe on your privacy.

We will not provide your personal information to anyone else. When you submit personal information such as your name, address, email address, and phone number, we will not give or sell this information to any outside company for any use. The information you provide will be kept confidential and used solely to support your customer relationship with us. We have appropriate security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information we have collected from you on our site.

All information contained on this website, including site design, graphics and text, are the copyrighted property of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro. Any other trademarks, company names, product names and/or logos set forth on this website are the property of their respective owners.


El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro (the Company) respects the privacy concerns of the users of its website, www.ranchoecoturisticoelfaro.com and the services provided therein (the "Site"). Therefore, the Company provides this privacy statement to explain what information is collected during a visit to the Site and how such information may be used.
Use of information: As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, or email address, is automatically collected from your visit to the Site. However, certain non-personal information is recorded through the standard operation of the Company's Internet servers. Information such as the type of browser being used, your operating system, and your IP address is collected to improve your online experience.

Use of Cookies: Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to a person's computer hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies make our Site easier to use by, among other things, saving preferences for you. These cookies are restricted to use only on our Site and do not transfer any personal information to any other party. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. However, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please refer to the technical information for your browser for instructions. If you choose to disable the setting of cookies or refuse to accept a cookie, some parts of the Site may not function properly or may be considerably slower.


Our site may contain links to third party websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, disclosure or sharing of data and information by such third parties. If you provide information on third-party sites, the privacy policy and terms and conditions of service of those sites apply.


General Policies for Events


● The quotes made do not represent a space reservation, they are subject to availability and are valid for 10 days.

● The maximum period to reduce the guarantee of the number of people attending the event is 72 hours before the event takes place.

● The entry of food and drinks into the facilities of El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro is prohibited.

● In the event that more participants than guaranteed arrive at the event, El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro may react with the same menu up to 5% of the total amount initially agreed upon.

● If this proposal is accepted, you must make the reservation request taking into account the stated Terms and Conditions.

● Reservations for rooms and spaces for commercial exhibitions must be confirmed in writing. In any case, the sending of the quote by the hotel does not imply confirmation of the event or the reservation of the room.

● The entry of MUSIC, FLOWERS, DECORATION services, contracted directly by the organizer, will be allowed, however, these suppliers must be mentioned in the list that the organizer must provide to the hotel for authorization to enter our facilities, and they must also comply the hotel's rule regarding personal presentation and only staying at the location of the event.

● For social events, it is necessary to make a deposit of $700,000 to cover additional consumption, damage to the facilities or unforeseen events that arise. Once the event is over, the consumption generated will be legalized and the balance will be refunded at that time in cash or bank transfer depending on the value.

● Duration of the event: the noise level generated by musical groups may not exceed 90 decibels. After 1:00 a.m., the permitted noise level drops to 60 decibels and the party ends at 2:00 a.m. or according to the schedule established in the initial negotiation.

● For alcoholic beverages, El Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro allows entry with prior negotiation and subject to a corkage charge of 40% of the value of the menu, only for ONE of the liquors that will be offered at the event. Said drink must comply with all legal requirements: authorization as an importer and payment of taxes for stamps.

● Additional consumption must be paid in cash or bank transfer without exception, at the end of the event.

● For menu selection, a single alternative must be chosen for the entire group of attendees.

● Any person who requires work at heights (more than 1.5 m high) must present the current Advanced Level Safe Work at Heights Certification.

● For the assembly and disassembly of the events, the additional time and cost must be previously coordinated in order to guarantee availability of the room.

● Clients are asked to respect the agreed times for entering and leaving the salons.

● To confirm the event, it will be done with the deposit or payment of 50% of the advance payment of the total budget and the minimum 50% 10 days before the event or according to negotiated conditions.

● For the development of events in the hotel facilities, it is not permitted to hinder, block or close any of the emergency exits located in the halls or event areas. Additionally, due to legal provisions, smoking is prohibited inside the hotel, as is the use of any pyrotechnic element, flammable substances, Venturi or smoke chamber.

● The entry of assembly personnel and any person who performs work within the hotel facilities is subject to prior presentation of the social security payment form (EPS, Pension and ARL).

● The El Faro Ecotourism Ranch is not responsible for the loss in any area of ​​its facilities, of personal items such as: Laptop, iPad, cell phone, photographic and/or video camera, carry-on briefcases and any other valuable object. , which has not been delivered for safekeeping by means of a record listing each of them.

● Equipment for personal use such as laptops. Photographic or video cameras, carry-on briefcases, cell phones, among others, will be the responsibility and care of each participant, as well as taking care of their personal belongings both inside the room and in the public areas of the hotel.

● El Faro Ecotourism Ranch reserves the right to charge the amount corresponding to damages or unforeseen events in the spaces and/or equipment if they are presented during the development of the event.

● It will be the responsibility of the organizer, contractor and/or client to disclose these conditions to their guests, contractors, support staff, logistics, among others, for the optimal development of the event.



● Once the event is confirmed and reserved and if for any reason the client decides not to do it, the hotel will apply the following penalty that will be deducted from the deposited advance payment or a collection invoice will be sent for the corresponding value, as listed below:

● With three months' notice, no fine will be applied.

● Two months in advance of the event date, 30% of the total food, beverages and lounges before taxes will be deducted.

● One month in advance, a fine corresponding to 50% of the total food, beverages and lounges before taxes will be applied.

● With less than 15 days, a fine of 100% of the total food, beverages and lounges before taxes will be applied.

● The client must always inform the executive in writing of any cancellation or changes to the event.




● Payments may be made by the following means: cash, deposit, cashier's check, bank transfers. Our bank account details are: Banco Davivienda No. 009969993188 current account or Banco Bancolombia No. 67400001141 savings account in the name of Rancho Ecoturístico El Faro NIT 900.915.290-1


Update: December 4, 2023